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Tiger By The Tail Book Cover

Tiger By The Tail

99 Secrets To Tame And Master Your Business

What if getting control of your business and exceeding all your entrepreneur dreams was just a book away?

You already have taken the risk and put in the effort to create your own business. Well done! Now learn the tools, tips, and SECRETS to running the MOST effective business that no one has told you before. Tiger by the Tail, and its secrets, are how elite entrepreneurs have become their best selves and created their best companies.

Unlock the Tiger Tamer inside you and start kicking some business butt.

The Book

Many business owners and entrepreneurs feel operating their company is like having a tiger by the tail each day.

They need practical, proven ways to help tame the cat now! This book is for every entrepreneur that got past the start-up phase, only to find the challenges got worse.

This book brings together 99 secrets on how to masterfully operate a company for long term success and reward. These tips, tools and secrets are the keys that entrepreneurs can’t find anywhere else.

These are the lessons and insights you can only learn the hard way until now. Tiger by the Tail has the ideas and tools to make you a Tiger Tamer and Master Entrepreneur.

Tiger by the tool cover book tiger


Reading the book isn’t enough.

We’ve built outstanding tools so you can implement the ideas today. make your company great, download your tools now!

Marty Park Speaking

The Author

Marty Park is a rare breed. At the age of 21, while most students are neck-deep with homework and weekend plans, Marty was running his first company, with 8 staff members on payroll.

Since then, Marty has owned and operated over 14 companies, across industries from software to restaurants, audio production to marketing – he has become an expert at business growth and the personal growth that comes with it.

Who Is Tiger By The Tail For?

From the established entrepreneur who is struggling each day in their company, to the person considering quitting their job to start a business, Marty Park’s business experience and proven secrets have transformed how people are thinking about operating a company and experiencing entrepreneurship.

Established Entrepreneurs

Leverage Tiger by the Tail to change and transform your daily operations into something stronger, easier and more profitable. 

Get back to enjoying every minute of running your business and benefitting from the risks you took to get here.

Start-Up Entrepreneurs

Stepping onto the field of business can be daunting. Start-up entrepreneurs often don’t know what they don’t know and learn simply through mistakes and bad advice. 

Tiger By The Tail can save you from the pain, and potential failure, of your venture. Learn from someone who has experienced it all and shares the secrets of success.


No matter what internal demons you battle, the state of your existing business, or the company you want to launch and grow, Tiger By The Tail is the fastest, and most powerful way, to create a truly successful company and to become a master entrepreneur!

Tiger By The Tail

Unlock the tiger tamer inside you and start kicking some business ass.


Reviews of the book

Testimonial Person 2
Must-buy for any entrepreneur. Immediately applicable. What a great resource for every entrepreneur and business person. It’s obvious Marty Park has learned a lot on his journey, and makes that super practical wisdom very easy to digest and apply immediately. I could not recommend this book highly enough!
Jay B
Testimonial Person 7
A brilliant resource for business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders alike. A brilliant resource for business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders alike. Marty’s book contains practical, time tested tools and ideas that he’s gleaned over the years, and condensed them down into a format that’s easily accessible and even fun!
Testimonial Person 4
Practical advice and real life stories – a great read and a good resource I was eager to read Marty’s book because I have heard him speak in the past and resonated with what he had to say. After reading his book, I feel like he told me everything he knows about running a successful business and staying sane. I read an electronic version and am contemplating getting a hard copy too so I can highlight and make notes – that’s how much I like this book. It is full of practical advice and real life stories, well written and great read for anyone who owns a business or wants to!
Rebecca Graham
Testimonial Person 1
Simple, practical ideas on how to start, improve or grow your business. If you’re looking for a book on business theory, writing the perfect business plan, or how to make six figures working from home, this is NOT the book for you. Tiger By the Tail is all about practical ideas. By telling short stories of his clients, colleagues and friends, along with his own business ventures, Marty shares learnings that address every part of the entrepreneurial experience. Whether you’re starting a business for the first time, looking to breathe new life into a stalled venture, or building on an already successful business, this book has something for you. While not everything in this book will apply to every entrepreneur, I guarantee you will find yourself saying “that’s me, that’s my situation” throughout the book. Whether you use sticky notes, a journal, a white board, or an app to capture ideas and reminders, get ready to fill your boots. I have gone through the book a couple of times already, and each time I extract something else which is worthwhile.
P. Sullivan